On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:21:44PM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:
Interesting, but it would have to be tweak-able, something like:

<c \tweak #'accidental-glyph #flat e g>
<c \tweak #'accidental-glyph ##f ees g>

That way looks good to me, as long as it works.

Although ideally I'd like to be able to do \key g \sacredHarpMinor and
have it do the right thing.


           There's a party in your skull.  And you're invited!

Name:    Ted Walther
Phone:   604-755-7732
Skype:   tederific
Email:   t...@reactor-core.org
Address: 1755 246 St, LANGLEY BC  V2Z1G4

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