Graham Percival wrote Saturday, June 06, 2009 11:18 AM

On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 11:03:58AM +0100, Trevor Daniels wrote:

Graham Percival wrote Friday, June 05, 2009 11:19 AM

There's a surprising amount of interest in contributing to
LilyPond from Windows machines. (err, I mean, from people *with*
Windows machines, not from the actual machines themselves)

As I understand it, people with Windows can:
- run GUB

I haven't tried - I didn't realise this was possible.
Has anyone done it?

Err... by "run GUB", I mean "generate sheet music using the
downloaded .exe".

Aah, right.  You mean run the generated binary, not
run the builder.  I thought I must have misunderstood

Even if somebody can't do anything else, with
this they can still contribute a great deal -- creating examples,
sorting/extending LSR stuff, etc.


Frankly, in some ways I wish that we had *more* contributors who
could only run GUB.  There's a lot of tasks that I consider "too
simple" for the git-savvy people to do, so as a result they tend
to remain undone.  :|

- compile the docs without examples by running texi2html manually

Tick, but this is often screwed up if the version
number in snippets is bumped by an LSR update, since
this means they can no longer be compiled with the
latest released version.

- compile the docs with GUB

Must try this ...

Err, if the version number in snippet matters, then you *have*
been compiling with GUB.  In the "compile docs without examples",
I meant something like

Yes, now I understand what you mean by GUB.  The
problem is that a too-high version number gives
only a warning in LilyPond, but causes lilypond-book
to terminate.  There are ways round it, but they
can be very messy.  That's one of the reasons I've
done virtually nothing on the docs for some months,
as I have been unable to compile them to check my
work.  Now 2.13.1-2 has been released I can probably
get back to knocking off some of the outstanding
doc TODOs.


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