Op maandag 01-06-2009 om 05:23 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> I'm not convinced that GUB even knows which file to use; the build
> commands contain "-O2 -g -g -O2 -O2  -O2 -g -g -O2".  Surely only
> one "-O2 -g" matters?

Yes, this has little to do with GUB.  In an autotools build system,
flags are passed to the compiler by means of what ./configure --help
advises.  CFLAGS=' ... ' ./configure most always works.

> Judging from that CompilerFlags page on the ubuntu wiki, I want to
> add "CPPFLAGS=" to one of those files.

Okay, oops.  So, do something like

diff --git a/gub/specs/darwin/odcctools.py b/gub/specs/darwin/odcctools.py
index ee953c0..9a15a07 100644
--- a/gub/specs/darwin/odcctools.py
+++ b/gub/specs/darwin/odcctools.py
@@ -62,3 +62,8 @@ cd %(install_prefix)s%(cross_dir)s/bin && ln 
%(toolchain_prefix)sstrip ../%(targ
     def install (self):
         cross.AutoBuild.install (self)
         self.install_librestrict_stat_helpers ()
+class Odcctools__darwin__ppc (Odcctools):
+    def configure_command (self):
+        return (Odcctools.configure_command (self)
+                + ' CFLAGS=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0')

possibly use CPPFLAGS=, but depending on how ./configure.in is made
that may or may not work.  Make sure this gets to the command line
and check for any gcc _FORTIFY_SOURCE redefined warnings :-)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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