Op zondag 31-05-2009 om 22:49 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> Anybody else?  Particularly on ubuntu systems?

FWIW, I'm doing GUB builds on ubuntu.

> None of the other places I put -fno-stack-protector had any
> effect, so I was just trying everything.  :(

Yeah, I know that mode.  Sometimes it works, but what always
helps best is to really look what's going on.

> No change; still the same error message.  I also tried adding a
> similar section to gub/specs/darwin/gcc.py  (changing it to
>    return (gcc.Gcc.configure_command...
> but it still failed.

For example, it looks to me from the log as if RANLIB fails
with a stack overflow problem.  First, make sure if this is the ranlib
from odcctools and not the ranlib on your system (eg, /usr/bin/ranlib).

Then, make sure -fno-stack-protector is added to the ranlib compile
(and -fno-stack-protector is actually the right switch -- google
may help).

> I'm really surprised that gcc would be the finicky; I would have
> thought that a compiler would be as easy to compile as possible,
> and the people working on gcc should have more experience with
> compiling than anybody else in the world.  :)

No, as it stands, Han-Wen and I have the most cross build experience
in the world ;-)  Pretty soon now, you're also on that list.  Even
openSUSE/openoffice.org is looking at GUB now :-)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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