On 5/23/09 6:48 PM, "Joe Neeman" <joenee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 23:38 +0100, Neil Puttock wrote:
>> 2009/5/23 Joe Neeman <joenee...@gmail.com>:
>>> If I understand this correctly, you're suggesting that we pad each
>>> instrument name according to the largest (wrt X-extent) SystemStartXXX.
>> That's basically it, though the extent would be that of the greatest
>> number of stacked delimiters: for example, in the Haydn snippet, the
>> combined extents of the SystemStartBar, Bracket and Brace in Violins I
>> & II.
>>> Would this allow the attached layout (stolen from Valentin's bug
>>> report), where the "Timpani in D, A" line is nicely centred, but it
>>> slightly overlaps with the brace below it?
>> A similar effect could be achieved by setting a negative value for
>> 'padding (see attached image),
> Fair enough, but I don't think 'padding has the right meaning here.
> Ideally, 'padding should be the smallest distance between an
> InstrumentName and the SystemStartXXX to its right. Here, it's the
> distance between the rightmost InstrumentName and the leftmost
> SystemStartXXX.

Would 'minimum-space be a better property to use than 'padding?


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