On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 23:38 +0100, Neil Puttock wrote:
> 2009/5/23 Joe Neeman <joenee...@gmail.com>:
> > If I understand this correctly, you're suggesting that we pad each
> > instrument name according to the largest (wrt X-extent) SystemStartXXX.
> That's basically it, though the extent would be that of the greatest
> number of stacked delimiters: for example, in the Haydn snippet, the
> combined extents of the SystemStartBar, Bracket and Brace in Violins I
> & II.
> > Would this allow the attached layout (stolen from Valentin's bug
> > report), where the "Timpani in D, A" line is nicely centred, but it
> > slightly overlaps with the brace below it?
> A similar effect could be achieved by setting a negative value for
> 'padding (see attached image),

Fair enough, but I don't think 'padding has the right meaning here.
Ideally, 'padding should be the smallest distance between an
InstrumentName and the SystemStartXXX to its right. Here, it's the
distance between the rightmost InstrumentName and the leftmost

Having said that, I think this patch is a clear improvement over the
current behaviour and I don't at all object to having it applied.


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