On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 12:30:56PM +0200, Valentin Villenave wrote:
> 2009/4/19 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> > Historically, we sent the snippet to the LSR editor to deal with.
> > Since we *still* don't have a dedicated LSR editor who has nothing
> > better to do than play with web-2.0 things... i.e. the people who
> > /are/ LSR editors are sufficiently skilled that they can be even
> > more useful to lilypond by fixing bugs or whatnot... this becomes
> > problematic.
> I'm still available to do that, though nobody's contacted me since
> GDP. (and though Neil is clearly more reliable than me to run and push
> makelsr)
> The 24-to-48h delay between doc changes and lsr updates is certainly
> inconvenient, but I think we can ask the doc editors to handle the
> commenting/uncommenting of their @lsr reference on their own.

No; we ask the LSR editors to do this, because they know when the
snippets have been added!

Doc writers will add a
  @c LSR
above the relevant line, so that the LSR editor can find it
quickly.  But once a doc writer has sent the email to the LSR
editor, he can forget about the entire thing.

This way, it doesn't inconvenience the doc writers, and only adds
two minutes a week to the LSR editor's job.

- Graham

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