I think something like the following needs to go in the CG under
Documentation Work somewhere -- Probably after TWEAKS in section 3.4.

"If a new snippet created for documentation purposes will compile in
the current LSR version, the snippet should be added to the LSR, and a
reference to the snippet should be added to the documentation.

If the new snippet uses new features that are not available in the
current LSR version, the snippet should be added to input/new, a
reference should be added to the manual, and the reference in the
manual should be surrounded by @cod...@ignore} and @cod...@end ignore}.

If it is desired to have a snippet with new features appear in the
documentation, the @cod...@ignore} block should be removed from
the documentation, and a copy of the snippet should be placed in
input/lsr, as well as in input/new.  The snippet copy that is in
input/new should have @code{ % begin verbatim } added after the
closing brace for the header.  The snippet copy in input/lsr
will be overwritten when makelsr.py is executed by the
lsr snippet maintainer."

What do you think?


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