On 4/17/09 10:20 PM, "Carl Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:
> On 4/17/09 1:47 PM, "joenee...@gmail.com" <joenee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://codereview.appspot.com/41099/diff/1021/59
>> File lily/bezier.cc (right):
>> http://codereview.appspot.com/41099/diff/1021/59#newcode275
>> Line 275: Bezier::subdivide (Real t, Bezier &left_part, Bezier
>> &right_part)
>> We only use references if they are const (for clarity), so please change
>> the arguments to pointers. Also, this function can be marked as const.
> So, if I understand right, you want
> Bezier::subdivide (Real t, Bezier *left_part, Bezier *right_part) const
> and then in the code, instead of
> left_part.control_[i]=
> I do
> *left_part.control_[i]=
> Is this right?
> But when I try this, I get compile errors.
> Can you give me a summary of how this works properly with classes? The syntax
> I used previously is what I have used in the past.
Never mind. I found it out: I use left_part->control_[i] instead of
Sorry for the noise.
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