Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>> Maybe another solution is requiring other fonts, IIRC Werner
>> proposed TexGyre Schola a while ago.
> If we do the switch (which I still want to do but my usual lack of
> time prevents this), we enforce exactly the new font as the default,
> so the solution should be the same.
>> It looks like a good idea to append foundry=urw in fc-match call in
>> configure, but this fix will break when the foundry field of TTFs
>> shipped with Canorus changes from "unknown" to "urw" -- or maybe
>> this won't happen because TTF files will never provide "urw" as
>> foundry?  I rely on advice from a fonts guru here.
> Sorry, I don't understand the problem.  Why will this lilypond fix
> break something in Canorus or vice versa?

Canorus installs Truetype versions of some of those fonts, system-wide.
The Lilypond configure command finds some of those truetype fonts via
fc-match in preference of the usual Type1 versions coming with
GhostScript.  This causes compilation of Lilypond to fail.

David Kastrup

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