On 3/17/09 7:24 AM, "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
> Hi Mats,
>> Implementing such a feature by first trying to translate the
>> duration into a numerical value and then set the padding doesn't
>> seem like the best solution to me. For example, how do you handle
>> the situation where there's a line break inbetween? I'd rather go
>> for a solution that internally is equivalent to spacer notes in a
>> parallel line of music (within the same Voice context, though), but
>> where the user doesn't have to see this internal representation.
> The solution should be on in which you can specify the duration
> before the dynamic starts and the duration of the dynamic itself, e.g.
> c1\< #8 #4. d2
> would mean "put a whole note 'c', then wait an eighth note, then put
> a quarter-note-length crescendo, then terminate it, then wait a half,
> and put a half-note 'd'".
> Is that possible in the situation you're imagining?
> If so, where/how are you thinking the implementation would go? A
> Scheme function/macro/shorthand?
I imagined that perhaps the result could be accomplished by automagically
creating a spacer voice with crescendos built in, so I tried it. But with
crescendos attached to spacer rests, the durations were off. So then I
tried it with notes:
\new Voice {
\relative c'{
{c1 d2 d2}
{a8 a8\< a2 a8\! a8 a2 a2}
{c1\< d2\! d2}
This sort of gives what I imagine to be the intended results, but at the
expense of a greatly stretched bar.
One issue that comes up in your proposal is that a 1/16 note column does not
take up 1/16 of a whole note column. So exactly what space are you thinking
you want?
Presently, dynamic markings are tied to paper columns. Paper columns are
created by layout objects, including notes. It seems to me that somehow you
want to change the way dynamic markings interact with paper columns in order
to get the behavior you desire.
> Cheers,
> Kieren.
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