Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Thanks to Carl's patient help, I've successfully submitted my first patch as a Frog!
<insert sound of trumpets, throw confetti, etc.>

1. For my next task, I was thinking of fixing the polyphonic shorthand. Unfortunately, searching the tree for
gives a couple of thousand hits...  ;-)
Any hints on where that shorthand is defined would be greatly appreciated.
If you look in lily/parser.yy, you will find that a "\\" corresponds to E_BACKSLASH, which results in a voice-separator. Grepping further in scm/* tells you that this results in a VoiceSeparator which in turn sets the music-property types to include "separator". After a thorough search in scm/*, you will finally find that this is used in the functions voicify-* in scm/music-functions.scm, which in turn are invoked by toplevel-music-functions in scorify-music ... Anyway, the bottom line is that the actual job is done in voicify-chord and voicify-list in scm/music-functions.scm.

2. Can Hairpin inherit line-spanner-interface? If so, can this be done in Scheme, or does it require C++?
It already has the line-interface and the spanner-interface as well as 3 other interfaces. Exactly what are you missing in the Hairpin?


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