On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 7:26 AM, Chris Snyder <csny...@adoromusicpub.com>wrote:

> On December 20, 2008, Chris Snyder wrote:
> > I did realize that the ly_symbol2scm call was not needed. I've
> > attached a new patch that does not include it.
> Is there any chance of my patch being accepted into master? What can I
> do to make the process easier? Thanks.

In general, the best approach is to nag us from time to time. If we don't
like the patch, we'll say so; if you get no response, your email probably
just got stuck under a pile of other stuff.

That said, I'm not sure why this patch is necessary. I see that the prebaked
commands like \arpeggioBracket don't work on span arpeggios, but the
following does "work" without your patch:

 \new PianoStaff \relative c'' <<
  \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
  \new Staff {
    \override Score.Arpeggio #'stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-slur
    <c e g c>4\arpeggio
    <g c e g>4\arpeggio
    <e g c e>4\arpeggio
    <c e g c>4\arpeggio
  \new Staff {
    \clef bass
    \repeat unfold 4 {
      <c,, e g c>4\arpeggio

I put "work" in quotation marks because the result looks quite horrible. I
think this is what the documentation meant when it said that cross-staff
arpeggios don't work with the slur-like look (unlike the other sorts of
brackets, the slur brackets take up more space when they go cross-staff and
this space isn't accounted for).

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