You should use get_property("stencil") unless you're doing something
special.  Still better is to use a callback in the spanner which
copies the stencil from its children.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Chris Snyder <> wrote:
> I'm working on a score where I'd like to create a cross-staff vertical
> bracket, which I have LilyPond engrave as a bracket-style arpeggio. This was
> not possible because spanned arpeggios always used the default stencil - the
> NR alludes to this in 1.3.3 under "Known issues and warnings," where the
> following note is included: "The parenthesis-style arpeggio brackets do not
> work for cross-staff arpeggios. " The note is accurate, but not complete, as
> the parenthesis style isn't the only one that doesn't work.
> Wanting a solution, I figured this could be a good place for me to make my
> first code contribution to LilyPond. The solution I came up with was for the
> Span_arpeggio_engraver to copy the stencil property from one of the included
> arpeggios. On some levels it feels slightly hack-ish (perhaps because the
> patch ended up adding only one line of code - quite the result after hours
> of work<g>), but the functionality seems quite elegant.
> I've attached the patch according (I hope) to the standards set forth on the
> LilyPond web site. Feedback (both code- and process-wise) would be greatly
> appreciated. Thank you.
> --
> Chris Snyder
> Adoro Music Publishing
> 1-616-828-4436 x800
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