On Thu, Dec 18, 2008, Hans Aberg <hab...@math.su.se> said:

> If you want to fit all the world languages into one keyboard map, you  
> might join the Unicode list; there are more than 100000 characters  
> available.

Unicode is a good solution for recording the result internally, but as far
as I know keyboard layout is still an open issue, with a variety of
standards groups at the country level offereing script-specific solutions
that are probably irreconcilable to any kind of universal solution.  Last
I knew (Mac OS 7) Apple had effective script-specific keyboard layouts for
simple writing systems that allowed direct entry (once switched to), and
employed special typing agents for indirect C J K entry.  

Could be worse, historical chinese typesetting not only required fluency,
but also physical handling of some 60,000 individual 'sorts' of
characters; imagine that set of cases.
Dana Emery

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