On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:43 PM, Maximilian Albert <
maximilian.alb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> 2008/12/14 Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org>:
> >
> >> Can we please make sure to include at least one example of input
> >> syntax in the newsfile?
> >
> > Well, it's Maximilian's turn...
> Yup, sorry. During the last couple of days I didn't have access to the
> computer I presently work on (and won't have for another few days),
> whence the delay in my response. Werner, thanks a lot for applying and
> cleaning up the patches! I should have taken care of using the right
> the coding style in the first place.
> As for the input syntax, that's a good point anyway. So far I only
> used the arrowed accidentals by tweaking the maqam example and
> defining separate names for all combinations of notes with all kinds
> of arrowed accidentals (see the attached file micro1.ly). The drawback
> is that the microtonal notes are associated with a certain pitch and
> that one has to add a huge list of note name definitions at the
> beginning of the file. One could also redefine the +/- 1/4 and +/- 3/4
> alterations to use the arrowed accidentals, as in the attached file
> micro2.ly. The drawback ist that one cannot use the "regular"
> quartertone accidentals any more since they are overridden by the new
> definition (and microtones are still attached to a specific pitch).
> Do you think we should provide "standard" names for all the notes with
> microtonal alterations? These would have to be localized, right?
> (which I don't know how to do properly since I'm not familiar with the
> naming conventions in other languages.) Or should we require the user
> to make his own definitions each time (s)he wants to use these
> accidentals? Which of these methods should be included in the news
> file as an example for the recommended syntax?

Hey Max,

I can't speak to any other language besides English, but for English I might
suggest the following (pasted out of one of my earlier mail):


OK, ideally I'd like something like this added to english.ly:

  cs'16  % normal C-sharp
  csu'16 % C-sharp with up-arrow
  csd'16 % C-sharp with down-arrow

  bf'16 % normal B-flat
  bfu'16 % B-flat with up-arrow
  bfd'16 % B-flat with down-arrow

and also ...

 cqs'16 % normal (ie, exact) C-quartersharp
 cqsu'16 % C-quartersharp with up-arrow
 cqsd'16 % C-quatersharp with down-arrow


That's how I would, ideally, like to access the arrowed accidentals. Would
be very slick, indeed. Just a -d (for 'down') or -u (for 'up') appended to
the complete set of all existing accidental input names.

%%% END %%%

Of course, I'm also OK with defining my own commands for getting to the
arrowed accidentals, as you and Werner are discussing, so long as there's an
example of how to set up the definition.

Very cool, btw!


Trevor Bača
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