Quoting Neil Puttock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

2008/11/28 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Now that I've looked a bit more careful, I see that the total height of
braceN is given by
so in other words, if the desired height is H, you can get the number of the
brace glyph by
(round (/ (log (/ H 10.5)) (log (+ 1 (/ 1 150)))))

Thanks for working this out, Mats.

How about a middle way, where we have a function to convert from
points -> brace number?  Then it's up to the user whether they want
direct access to a specific glyph, or conversion from points.

I don't see the point. If a user had the possibility to specify the height in points (or any other sensible unit) as the argument, he'd never use the weird numbering that's used internally in LilyPond.


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