It would be nice if the argument was the desired height measured in points (or perhaps in staff spaces) instead of the current numerical argument where you need a lot of trial and error. If it was in points, then you could easily relate it to the height of one staff, which is 20pt by default.

Unfortunately, it seems that the mapping from brace number to height is non-linear (possibly piecewise linear). I don't have the time right now to figure out the exact relationship.


Neil Puttock wrote:
2008/11/27 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Valentin Villenave wrote Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:41 AM

... either two commands with the size as an argument,

\left-brace #20
\right-brace #40
This is my preference.  The functions would need to check
the size for validity, though, as no error message is
produced if an invalid sized brace is used.  LilyPond
just ignores it silently.

I've uploaded a patch here, if anybody's interested in reviewing it:

I've followed the example of \musicglyph in that it will complain if
the glyph name isn't recognized.


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