On 2008/10/21 14:10 +0200, Francisco Vila wrote:
> I'd find useful a tool that, given a language:
> - searches itely files for @lilypondfile blocks of LSR snippets
> - gathers the name of the filename argument
> - looks in input/lsr if this file does exist (some of them don't)
> - if one exists, look in input/texidocs for a filename with the
> .texidoc suffix instead
> - if this exists, look inside the file for the existance of doctitleNN
> and texidocNN for the given language.
> and output a summary/listing of its findings.
> Optionally, copy the English strings to the appropiate file ready to
> translate them.

This is a good idea, but I'd rather invoke

$EDITOR input/lsr/TITLE.ly input/texidocs/TITLE.texidoc

This would work well for Emacs, but I don't know if other good editors
splits the window when theay are given 2 files on the command line.

I won't implement this before acoustics and signal processing exams I
take next Tuesday and next Wednesday, but don't worry, I'm really
motivated to write such a tool, because nearly no LSR texidoc has been
translated in French yet...  the French translators (including me) have
simply been hibernating :-P


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