On 02.10.2008 (00:04), Juergen Reuter wrote:
> Very nice, I like the structure and your explanatory add-ons! 


> Just a few nitpicking comments:
> * 2.8.3 (Typesetting mensural music): "There are no rests in Gregorian
> chant notation; instead, it uses Divisiones."  I would have expected this
> statement to appear somewhere in 2.8.4 (Typesetting Gregorian chant)
> instead.

Right. Shall move. There may be other similar formulations left behind in
the wrong place too.

> * 2.8.4 (Typesetting Gregorian chant):
>   * "... by placing one of the joining commands pes or flexa ..." => "...
>     by placing one of the joining commands \pes or \flexa ..."


>   * "... by modifying the shape of a single-note neume with \auctus and
>     one of the direction markers \descendens or \ascendens, e.g.  \[
>     \auctus \descendens a \] ...": Replace "\auctus" => "\auctum".  N.B.:
>     From an implementation point of view, I felt the need to minimize
>     redundancy in the input language and therefore only defined the
>     neutrum form "auctum".  Maybe users prefer using the correctly
>     declined forms?

Three possibilities:
        - stick with \auctum and let the users (and documentation writers...)
          learn that form 
        - allow \auctus too (but where to stop? \aucta as well? what about all
          the other commands? \cava? \inclinatus?)
        - allow the root form without inflection: \auct, \inclinat, etc.
I don't know which is best.

>   * FYI: gregorian.ly defines also the commands \versus, \responsum,
>     \ij, \iij, \IJ, and \IIJ that will produce the corresponding
>     characters (e.g. for use in lyrics).  However, since these commands
>     uses quite special unicode characters, they will only work with
>     properly installed unicode fonts that support these characters.
>     Unfortunately, to my knowledge there is no slashed "A" character
>     available in unicode.  (As far as I know, all of these commands
>     have not at all been documented so far.)

I definitely think this should be documented. I'll have a look at


Refreshed by a brief blackout, I got to my feet and went next door.
-- Martin Amis, _Money_

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