On Sun, 28 Sep 2008 16:10:43 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So Bowed strings should contain links to or examples
> of at least 
>   artificial harmonics,

Ref to NR 1.1.4

>   bowing indications,

NR 1.3.1

>   snap pizzicato,

NR B.6 -- I admit this one is a bit less obvious.

>   string quartet template 

LM A.whatever.

> (I'm not a string player - I'm sure you can think of more)

I honestly can't -- string music is very basic.  That is to say,
there is only a tiny amount of notation that isn't shared by other
instruments.  Maybe ^"arco" and ^"pizz." as well, but IMO those
are pretty easy to figure out.

Anyway, I didn't want to say that you *shouldn't* rearrange
sections; I just wanted to voice some potential problems that you
might have not anticipated.

- Graham

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