On Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:35:36 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just got round to looking at Unfretted strings in the Notation
> Reference, and I'm not very happy with this subdivision.

1.  It makes a nice contrast with "fretted strings".
2.  There's almost no content in that section anyway.
3.  I can only imagine about two pages of content for bowed
strings, anyway (e.g., artificial harmonics, and... and... well,
that's pretty much it)

If we might possibly have more than two pages for Bowed strings,
I'd be more inclined to give it its own section.  But really, all
I can imagine at the moment is one paragraph + example, plus
references to NR 1.

> This would mean splitting unfretted.itely into two files.
> Would this give you any problems at this late stage?

No.  The bigger problem is adding another LSR tag, making sure to
tag at least one snippet with it so makelsr.py doesn't break, etc.
Not that it's a "big" problem; it'll be about 1 hour of work split
between those involved.

- Graham

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