John Mandereau wrote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Trevor Daniels wrote:
(Investigating this has screwed up my git with the same
input/regression/musicxml file not up-to-date, 17f-AllChordTypes.xml, again.
Is anyone else having trouble with this?  Last time I had to rebuild the
repository to get rid of it, and here it is back again :(

Which Git version do you have?  On which OS?  What Git commands did you
use exactly?  Did you play with 'git checkout'?

I think I may be pioneering here - I have WinGit preview 20080301 under
Vista!  However, I have been using this (with a previous release under XP)
with no trouble at all for several months.  It enabled me to pull the docs
and build them with texi2html locally so I could check my mods before
submitting them to Graham.

As far as I remember, here's what happened for the record.  It's all to do
with input/regression/musicxml/17f-AllChordTypes.xml, which I'll call 17f

Before 12 Apr
Pulled from origin/master as usual, and found 17f as an unstaged change.
In that state I couldn't checkout another branch, so eventually I
committed it locally, did some work in my test branch, cherry-picked
the change I wanted, did a branch reset to avoid pushing the 17f commit,
and pushed a couple of doc changes.

On 12 Apr 14:00-ish
While pushing a further doc change failed to avoid the 17f commit and
pushed that as well.  Told Reinhold, who reverted it and repatched.

On 12 Apr 22:50
Pulled from origin/master and again found 17f appeared as an unstaged

During 14 Apr
Tried everyway I could find to remove 17f as an unstaged change,
including resets of every flavour, stashing, rm-ing, committing and
reverting, reverting to an earlier point,  ... Eventually gave up
and built a new repository.

During 15 Apr
Reset my main branch to the release 2.11.43 tag to check something
and when I reset it again to HEAD 17f reappeared as an unstaged
change.  Tried everything again to remove it.  Eventually gave up
and rebuilt another new repository.

16 Apr (today)
So far so good, I've pushed and pulled successfully without
any problems.  I still have the old one if you want me to investigate
anything.  Many thanks for your interest :)



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