On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 18:36:10 +0200
Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another issue is due to the way we split documents (i.e. only at
> numbered nodes, all unnumbered will be put together into the same
> file). this creates problems when a file does not have any @chapter
> or @section, but only @unnumbered and @unnumberedsec, etc. Also, I

I could guarantee that we always have @chapter and @section.  I
think that in LM and AU we might use @unumberedsubsec, but I can't
see a need for higher-level unnumbered portions.

> I've now changed the internals reference and the snippets page in 

... oops, I forgot about those manuals.  :)

> The regression tests don't have any TOC, but still the space is
> reserved.

IMO, not worth it.  Users aren't supposed to look at the regtests;
the only people looking at them are Han-Wen, Stan, Valentin, and
possibly you.

- Graham

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