Reinhold Kainhofer a écrit :
> Here's a further update of the open issues with texi2html for lilypond's 
> documentation:

Very cool!

> Now, we can simply use a @translationof macro in each section to 
> give the original section title (to be used for the filename). E.g.:
> @node Translated chapter title
> @chapter Translated chapter title
> @translationof Spacing issues
> will create a file and anchor from "Spacing issues", but display the 
> translated chapter title.
> In the init file I'll then simply ignore the whole macro, so for texi2html we 
> wouldn't even need it defined at all, but of course, for all other output 
> programs, we need it.
> The problem that I see in general are cross references (they are a problem 
> even with multiple nodes in one file... How do we get the correct file name 
> for a cross-reference, if it cannot be deduced from the node title at 
> all????). How should be define the @r* macros to work 

Here's a possible solution -- I don't speak a word of Perl and haven't
looked at the code, maybe something similar is already implemented.
@translationof is parsed just like @node, and (@node,@translationof)
pairs are stored in a map or a list, or whatever the right Perl data
structure for maps.  Then, it's easy to deduce the desired file name
when writing HTML output for a x-ref.

> The language passed to texi2html as --lang=$(ISOLANG) is now added to the 
> extension as .$(ISOLANG).html.

I'm not sure this will work well with hacking,
especially extensions stripping for automatic language selection: does
your init script writes hrefs with .$(LANG).html too?  If it does, will likely need some hacking to handle file names
which already have a language suffix.

Thanks for the news and the good work

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