On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 19:51:46 +0100
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think there are enough ideas in this thread to work on lilypond.org
> design, it only lacks a volunteer.  If we can't find anybody else, is
> this task urgent enough so that one of already busy LilyPond
> contributors (Valentin, Reinhold, me, ...) should prioritize it?

You already know what I'm going to say: no, absolutely not.

I seem to be the only person freaking out about the docs.  We're
one or two days away from having a first draft of our second NR 1
section.  We started in Sep, and we'll have about two weeks of
comments about that section until it's finished... so that's two
sections in seven months.  At this rate, we'll be lucky if we
finish *half* of --NR 1-- in the year that we had allocated for

- Graham

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