On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 15:00:59 +0100
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to deeply change doc snippets presentation: as tags were
> recently added to LSR, we should put all snippets in the same
> directory, resulting in a single PDF file and a single HTML page for
> all snippets.

Umm... why?

As far as I can tell, this would involve a lot of work from you
and a bit of work from Sebastiano.  The end result would be:

+ users can browse our subset of LSR just like they browse LSR
  currently, except that this can be done offline.
- users must use a javascript-enabled browser to view our
- pdf and info readers won't see nicely categorized snippets;
  they'll just have one huge pdf with everything in it.

I'm honestly not certain that this tradeoff is worth it -- even
disregarding the amount of work involved.  What problem(s) is this
supposed to solve?

On a related note, I really don't think that we need any more
technical work on LSR, other than the feature request in the
google tracker.  ( 531, I think)
Unless/until we have users contributing a significant amount of
content, I think the current framework is more than adequate.

- Graham

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