Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
This still does not answer the real question: which is what is the
shortest UNBEAMED note that you see.  Lilypond supports 2048th notes
if need be, but only if they are beamed.

Do you want to have different official shortest notes? ie "up to 2048 beamed, only 64 unbeamed" ? My initial thought was that we should have the same limit for beamed/unbeamed/rests, but at your option we could state different limits.

Looking back to the thread, I actually self-censored to "should
reconsider". It's a pity that Beethoven is already dead - I would love
it if he would be here to rewrite the notation of some his symphonies.

I'd like to point out that composing is different from typesetting. Nobody is arguing that Beethoven was a great composer; some people think his notation is not as clear as possible.

- Graham

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