Werner LEMBERG schrieb:

... Basically, you are right, however, we have already to think about
backwards compatibility...

Good point. This made me think that in case my recent patch is applied, maybe convert-ly (or rather convertrules.py) should be updated, too!? Just in case I'm sending a patch for that as well. Hopefully, I correctly guessed the way it works.

I inserted the rule

  scripts.caesura --> scripts.caesura.curved

because this doesn't change the appearance of the output. However, given that many users seem to prefer the straight caesura, would it make sense to use "scripts.caesura.straight" as the replacement?

Another option would be to keep the above rule but use "accidentals.caesura" rather than "accidentals.caesura.straight" as name for the new glyph in mf/feta-toevallig.mf. If someone then uses convert-ly to update old files, the output will be the same as before because it contains the old glyph. But if old files are simply compiled with a newer version of lilypond, the new glyphs appears.

Anyway, these are just a few random thoughts. I'll leave the decisions to you experts.

Interesting. How can I make lily use mf2pt1 to generate the fonts?

As documented in mf/README, for example:

  mf2pt1 --rounding=0.001 --ffscript=makelilypond.pe feta26

The script `makelilypond.pe' is attached (however, it isn't necessary
for inspection).  I'm sending you some output privately.

Thanks a lot for these hints and the script. This will make font inspection and glyph design a lot easier, I suppose (once I get more used to working with FontForge). And sorry, I thought I knew what was in the README file, but I should have checked first anyway.

I'll probably have one or two further questions/comments but will ask them in a separate email once they have crystallized out completely.

Best regards,
>From bad04ca58e8bc25c9932b6a1c719155ec32df5a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 10:18:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update convert-ly (include change in caesura glyph name)

 python/convertrules.py |    6 ++++++
 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/convertrules.py b/python/convertrules.py
index 54db434..b56c673 100644
--- a/python/convertrules.py
+++ b/python/convertrules.py
@@ -3013,3 +3013,9 @@ def conv (str):
 conversions.append (((2, 11, 23), conv, """#'break-align-symbol -> #'break-align-symbols"""))
+def conv (str):
+    str = re.sub (r"scripts\.caesura",
+                  r"scripts.caesura.curved", str)
+    return str
+conversions.append (((2, 11, 35), conv, """scripts.caesura -> scripts.caesura.curved"""))

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