> >>>   I+J -> IJ, i + j->ij
> >>>
> >>> I think those two should be removed also (just think of
> >>> Strawinskij).
> >>
> >> No, those are language dependent (i + j -> ij is done in Dutch)
> >
> > Hmm.  First of all, the default versions of the URW fonts don't
> > have a ligature for that, only that buggy bundle which also
> > contains the T + M ligature.  Second, I'm not aware how to select
> > a language for a text string within lilypond so that typographical
> > features (from OpenType) for that language are used...
> so, we should figure out how to do that. There is a en_US setting
> somewhere in pango-font.cc, I believe.

Yep.  The question is which kind of interface we should implement.
With `we' I mean `you', of course :-)  My knowledge of the Pango
library is virtually nonexistent.

I can add the I+J->IJ stuff for OpenType script `latn', language
`NLD ' (Dutch), if you want me to do that.  Similarly, I can disable
the f+i->fi stuff for languages `TRK ' (Turkish) and `PTG '
(Portuguese) -- I'm not sure about the latter, however.


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