On Tuesday 21 November 2006 16:31, Joe Neeman wrote:
> On 11/21/06, Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My main concern with pure max-slope is that it may not produce good
> > results
> > near tower-roofs. E.g., max-slope = 2 means that (min horizontal
> > distance) is
> > 0.5 * (min vertical distance) near rooftops; we may want to tune that 0.5
> > constant without affecting the max-slope.
> Would it be enough just to extend the flat part of the roof horizontally?
> The maximum Euclidean distance between (extended flat line + slope) and
> (flat line + circular corners + slope) is not really so big. Even when
> max-slope = \infty, it's only the square root of the radius of the curve.

Ah, this will result in a hexagonal approximation of the circle if you set the 
flat-roof-extension length to something like
(1-1/max-slope) * min-distance-between-skylines / 2. Nice! Sounds like a 
sufficient solution to me. Also, if there will be a real need for better 
approximations of the circle, we can always change that later.


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