> Usually choir staffgroup has barlines only in staffs, but not
> connecting staffs as well. However, in some cases (like renaissance
> music, where the barlines are drawn only *between* the staffs and
> not in them) when the barlines are drawn, lyrics position for every
> syllable doesn't take the barline into account. They collide.
> I attached an example of Gallus's Ecce quomodo.
> Is there a large CPU overhead to implement this (like you mentioned
> it was for avoiding clashing page borders and notes for every text
> sign).

Maybe a quick 'n' dirty solution is to add coloured boxes around the
syllables (in your case the background must be white, of course) which
then simply overwrite the bar lines.  I've never used it by myself but
I know that such a property exists for text grobs.


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