On Wed, 2006-09-06 at 15:08 -0700, Graham Percival wrote:
> Joe Neeman wrote:
> > +If this is too tedious, you can add a @code{Page_turn_engraver} to a Staff 
> > or
> > +Voice context. The @code{Page_turn_engraver} will scan the context for
> > +sections without notes (note that it does not scan for rests; it scans for
> > +the absence of notes.
> By "the absence of notes", do you mean "{r | R | s} in all parts", or do 
> you mean "{s} in all parts" ?  That "does not scan for rests" is a bit 
> confusing.  If you mean the first option, I suggest
> +sections without notes (either @code{r} or @code{R} rests or

I mean "{r | R | s} in all contexts that the engraver is looking at".
That is, if the engraver is in a Staff with multiple voices, then all
voices must have rests. If the engraver is in a GrandStaff, all the
voices of all the staves must have rests, etc.

How about:
+sections without notes (either @code{r} or @code{R} rests or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] skips). Rests or skips must be present in all contexts within 
the scope
+of the engraver. That is, if the engraver in is a Staff with multiple
+voices, then all the voices must have rests.


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