On Saturday 19 August 2006 19:31, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > BTW, it could also be because of differences in command-line lengths: My
> > system is 64-bit, so snippets are named like lily-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
> > instead of lily-nnnnnnnnn; in addition, the max command-line length
> > differs in ubuntu and macos IIRC. It seems that about 250 lily-* files
> > fit on one command line, so the processing of regression tests is split
> > into two lilypond invocations.
> Can you add a hack to lilypond-book to counter this? We should probably
> have a "run files from this file" option for lily, but chopping the
> hashes to 32bits should also work.

There are still potential problems with system-specific differences in max 
cmdline lengths (but I don't know if it's a real problem). I've been thinking 
about one other solution as well: IIRC you have said it would be fairly easy 
to create a lilypond daemon, which could process .ly files on demand with a 
short start-up time. If all .ly snippets of a make web are processed by a 
single instance of lilypondd, then we will get an even better memory leak 


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