On Monday 21 August 2006 11:37, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > In this particular case, the objects *were* statical (one object was
> > allocated for each translator listener declaration). I saw that you
> > softcoded & improved some parts of it, but I don't see the point (IIRC,
> > the list is only used once on start-up, to detect typos).
> IIRC, the list was added to for each .ly file, 

How did you conclude this? AFAICS, each element of the list is created by 
add_translator_listener (), which only is called from _internal_declare_xxx, 
which is a SCM_INIT_FUNC defined by the IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER macro.

> and each cell of the list 
> was separately protected.

is this a problem, given that the entire list is statical? Is there an 
advantage in only protecting the list's head?


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