Alle 21:34, mercoledì 22 marzo 2006, hai scritto:
> I don't really understand what you mean. If you don't want
> any connection between the lyrics and the notes, just skip
> \lyricsto and specify the duration of each syllable. If you want 
> information from the lyrics to affect the notes, then you would still 
> have to specify the duration of each syllable in the lyrics.
> Beaming is just one way to indicate melismas. Another common 
> alternative is to use slurs. Therefore, \lyricsto treats
> both manual beams and slurs as melismas, by default. Yet another 
> possibility is to insert \melisma ... \melismaEnd
> among the notes.

I just want to obtain the correct beaming behaviour in vocal music (like in 
the sample image i sent) without getting mad beaming and "melismaing" by 
The rule should simply be "Break beam on every new syllable".
Since lilypond implemented the auto-melisma using dashes in lyrics context, i 
think this little auto-unbeaming rule will improve much output fidelity to 
traditional engraving.

-Traditional scores *always* separate each syllable in beaming
-two syllables *never* are beamed together.
-beaming is used only on the same syllable

Yeah, i said the same thing in 3 different ways.... Now it's clear, i hope ;-)


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