I don't really understand what you mean. If you don't want
any connection between the lyrics and the notes, just skip
\lyricsto and specify the duration of each syllable. If you want
information from the lyrics to affect the notes, then you would still
have to specify the duration of each syllable in the lyrics.
Beaming is just one way to indicate melismas. Another common
alternative is to use slurs. Therefore, \lyricsto treats
both manual beams and slurs as melismas, by default. Yet another
possibility is to insert \melisma ... \melismaEnd
among the notes.
Quoting Marco Gusy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Alle 15:16, venerdì 17 marzo 2006, Marco Gusy ha scritto:
> By default, LilyPond supports the opposite, namely that when you
> use \lyricsto it interprets all manually inserted beams as melismas and
> only attach one syllable to each beam.
But there's an issue: a melisma isn't always entirely tied in a beam
(look at
the example in my previous post, the "Ma - - -" beaming breaks every beat ).
Anyway, think to a song with many 8th syllabes and many melismas (i.e.
renaissance polyphony), it would be very tricky to manage the thing in the
voice context, while the easier way should be to insert notes
without specify
beaming (and melismatas), add lyrics with dashes ( "In vo -- ci --
fe -- ra -
ti -- o -- _ _ ne") and apply the new rule 'break the beam before each new
syllable' to automatic beaming.
Could it be possible?
Please answer.... i would like to sponsor the feature if it is possible...
Question is "is it possible to add a 'break beam on every new
syllable' rule to automatic beaming beahviour
in order to type correct vocal music only by using text and dashes in
the lyrics contest?
(no manual beams, no /melisma, ignoring ties)"
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