It seems to me that a Wiki might be a good solution here.
We have already had a couple of Wiki's related to LilyPond
over the years, don't know if any of them has survived.


John Mandereau wrote:
Le mercredi 17 août 2005 à 09:34 -0500, Fairchild a écrit :
I don't clearly follow what is being proposed, but it seems off track.  The
need is for a single source of links for information useful to Lilyponders,
not cluttered with a morass of sources for composers or musicians.  Even
though denied on the posting, LilyPond resources imply some measure of
recommendation/endorsement by the developers.

What should be in?  Postings of .ly files.  Manuals/guides for elements of
LilyPond: Scheme, PS, etc.  Editors especially supportive of LilyPond.
Testimonials.  Dictionaries and engraving guides used by the developers.

What should be out?  Music and music information unrelated to LilyPond.

What should be debated?  Engraving info not used by LilyPond.  Sources for
public domain scores that could benefit from LilyPond engraving.

I just briefly explored dmoz.  Never before knew it existed.  Impressive,
but it doesn't seem a good substitute for a selected set of links from
within  For resources supporting Lily, I want a single place.
For some broad categories such as music dictionaries, dmoz might provide a
good source, but music dictionaries don't seem to be there.  A search for
lilypond editors also finds nothing.  Redirection through dmoz seems

Volunteers are willing to provide content for a page at  Why not?

Well, I think I've found a compromise. On one hand, I agree with you
that a single resources page exclusively for Lilyponders is much more
convenient. On the other hand, I suppose Han-Wen was afraid (and he has
certainly reasons for that :-)) that it was a mess in the site building
scripts after I'd have added my scripts, just for one more little
resources page.

In fact, I don't need to include the scripts for the resources page in
the official CVS site source: I can just run the scripts myself and then
give you the result. You (i.e. the webmaster, the translators,...) just
needn't know the machinery I use to build and maintain this page.

So, let's do that: Han-Wen, I'll send you the new files and the patch
for modified files that you'll apply to a cvs copy of the site source,
then you'll be able to see the final result with 'make'ing it (unless
you prefer that I send you a *ugh* 4 MB tarball).

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        Signal Processing
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