On 30-Jun-05, at 2:12 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I) Page by page files lily-xxx-1.eps ... lily-xxx-N.eps
II) A single file lily-xxx.eps that contains the full score
Clearly, Graham keeps asking about the I) files, whereas Han-Wen keeps
answering about II) file!
Ah, thanks!
As for why I'm using \book inside lilypond-book: I'd like to use
a \pageBreak inside a piece.
I want to produce a (web-)published collection of pieces. I'd like:
- a title page, creative commons copyright license page, performer's
- 8 small pieces (mostly two pages), but one of which is four pages and
needs an explicit \pageBreak so that there's a rest for a page turn. In
addition, each small piece should have its own \header{title="foo"},
not just \header{piece="bar"}.
I can see three possible solutions:
- use lilypond-book. The first few pages are standard latex stuff, and
the 8 small pieces each have an individual \book{} wrapped around it.
The problem is that the .eps produced by \book {} doesn't take into
account the latex margins, so I lose one system per page.
- use latex to create the first few pages, then insert an .eps of those
first few pages into a LilyPond \book.
The problem here is that I'm not certain how to include several
large (ie full-page) .eps files in LilyPond. \markup{ \epsfile } looks
like it's for small things.
I'd also need to hack ly/titling-init.ly so that each piece in the
displayed the title, composer, etc instead of just the piece and opus.
- do everything indvidually. Create a .pdf of the first few pages
with latex, create a .pdf of each piece individually using standard
lilypond, then use some tool to merge all the .pdfs.
If there's another way to do this, or a better way of solving some of
these problems, please let me know.
Speaking as a LilyPond developer now (instead of a user), I think we
should try to find a relatively easy way to do this -- this is something
that a number of users will want to do, not just me and Laura. We
could make the third option work, but I think it's beyond the typical
windows (or even osx) user.
- Graham
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