Laura Conrad said:
It used to be that you could use any valid lilypond file in
lilypond-book.  This is apparently no longer the case; e.g., if you

I think we are talking about \book in general whether in lilypond-book or not.

Han-Wen Nienhuys said:
As a short-cut, lilypond will collect all toplevel
scores/compound music-expressions/text markups in a single \book.

I think he is saying that \book is the top level whether it is explicitly stated or not, just as \score is added whether it is explicitly stated or not. There are many defaults which are added by Lilypond when not written in the file, I think \book is one of them.

For instance, the following two lines generate identical output:

{ a b c d e f }

\book { \score { \context Staff { \clef G \key c \major \time 4/4 a b c d e f } } }

and I think all those things are added by default, including \book.

If there is more than one \score in a file, they will all be added to one \book, I believe:

\book { \score { ... } \score { ... } ... }

even if the file is written like this:

\score { ... } \score { ... } ...

If instead you explicitly pair a \book with each \score:

\book { \score { ... } } \book { \score { ... } } ...

each \score block will print out in a separate file.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Laura Conrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "lilypond devel" <>; "Mats Bengtsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: What's the point of \book{...} ?

"HN" == Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   >> Since only the I) files are used when you run lilypond-book on a
   >> LaTeX
>> file, Graham's concerns are completely valid, namely that the height of
   >> each lily-xxx-n.eps file is taken from the default settings in
>> ly/, not from the page layout of the LaTeX document.

   HN> I'm not sure what the right solution is in this case. What are you
   HN> using \book inside lilypond-book for?

It used to be that you could use any valid lilypond file in
lilypond-book.  This is apparently no longer the case; e.g., if you
want letterpaper, since you can't any longer specify it on the
lilypond command line, you have to put it into the lilypond file, and
then lilypond-book gets confused.  It seems to me that this is a
regression.  (Aside from the lilypond-book problem, those of us who
publish our work on the *world wide* web would rather not have to
specify papersize inside the file.)

My _modus operandi_ is to use plain lilypond on individual pieces, and
then when I have several related pieces to combine them with
lilypond-book.  Is this not something that's going to be supported in
the future?  I haven't yet started using the \book feature, but I can
easily imagine doing so, for instance for a multi-movement piece.
Then I would expect to be able to combine several of these via
lilypond-book.  But maybe I would be wrong?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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