Although Java and socket connections provide much more flexibility, standard
HTTP upload method (RFC-1867)  also can be used and files can be accepted
and handled at server-side. Most browsers support this, so all
you need on client side is a webbrowser (even without java).

This way or the other, the main question is: Who is willing to provide
bandwith for (at least) a proof-of-concept site? I consider this a superb
way to demonstrate for many people what can be done with LilyPond.

On the security: the server could be on a unix system, where php/lilypond
user doesn't have read access to the whole directory tree, but it is kept
restricted in a dedicated place. Doesn't it eliminates the security danger
Berti mentioned? Could somebody explain me please, where I am missing the


Ps. Joshua, all those ideas about putting computing power behind the service
are fantastic. Let's make it let's make it ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua KooOOoOOo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lilypond-devel" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Lilypond Server

> Hi,
> I attempted to create a simple Lilypond Server the last few days, and for
anyone's who interested, please give your comments (on the codings, concept
or whatever) , or even better, if you can improve on it, (or maybe you can
set up a server). I'm not on the lilypond-devel list, so please c.c. me. And
also, if anyone wants to use my unworthy codes, or package it in lilypond,
just go ahead to do so. See notes below.
> Thanks,
> Joshua Koo
> - - -  - -
> How it works:
> Server is written in python. Client needs java (likely 1.4).
> Start the Server on a machine with Lilypond
> "python"
> Compile the java class. "javac"
> Run the client. "java LilyClient [ip address or hostname of server]"
> Make sure you have a lilypond file in your directory.
> type "upload" where is your lilypond file.
> Lilypond will run on the file after file is uploaded.
> Any errors or output by Lilypond will be shown to the client.
> When done, you can try to download the output files eg. "get foo.midi"
> File will be saved to the directory.
> Type "bye" to say bye to server
> Background.
> I don't think this idea is new, as I found mentions of this idea in the
past mailing lists. However, this idea came to me not long ago, when I tried
out coLinux [ ]. Since it can run most linux applications on
windows, I thought it can be a alternative to cygwin, without the hassle to
modify the sources.
> For a user to use LilyTool with Lilypond on coLinux, I thought the 2
options is either do all the work on coLinux (in the shell or on desktop
"remotely") or continue using lilytool on windows, but use a network
connection to run Lilypond. The more I thought about it, the more benefits I
could think of.
> ^ I wouldnt need a cygwin on every windows, or a Lilypond on every pc.
> ^ I could run coLinux daemon in the background and run Lilypond as if ran
out of no where
> ^ I could have a slow pc but run Lilypond thru the network on a fast
> When the topic of "Easier Lilypond Tutorial", I thought,
> ^ A public lilypond server would allow many others to try Lilypond without
installing linux or lilypond.
> ^ Having Lilypond Server can free out utilisation of the current Pcs,
needing just a light client (maybe just lilytool, or maybe java or python
client), and bring the load to the server.
> ^ Different Lilypond Servers can cater to different lilypond versions.
> My ideas continue expanding...
> ^ Maybe there should be a Lilypond Server Webpage. Allow generation of
lilypond to pictues(png). Maybe create an account, login, type a set of
lilypond codes. Click post, and request will be sent to the lilypond server,
output is accessed thru the webpage (midis, pdfs..) Working on a big piece
of music while on the move? Login and continue editing the pieces.
> ^ Distributed Lilypond / Load sharing. Users who have lilypond installed,
could actually just run the server during idle pc periods. All these
lilypond Servers can contact a lilypond manager which will assign jobs
(perphaps from the main Lilypond Server or webpage queue) and oh wait,we got
a beogulf of .... ;)
> Future Enhancements:
> (possible)
> + More functionality - bug fixes, error handling, multiple files
> + Lilytool Integration
> + More security
> + Compression and hash checks for file transfer
> + Maybe multi-threading or non-blocking Server
> + Webserver/Webservice add-on
> + Clustered Servers
> + Caching, version control
> (i'm dreaming)


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