----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua KooOOoOOo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Possibles of disadvantages of HTTP upload method I think of is 1) Slower
2) File Size Limit 3) More java coding on the client side.

1) and 2) is agreed but can live with it, 3) could you explain it? I mean
using simple HTTP upload requires nothing more than a standard web form with
<input type='file'>
Of course more flexibility can be provided within a java applet. (Selecting
more than one files, upload monitor etc.)

> However, it doesnt mean I against the web-based LilyPond. For now I think
that lets say you are on windows, you only need a LilyTool for jEdit, (with
has all the wizards and synatax colouring), it will be simple for you to use
Lilypond. Lets say on a Linux machine which have problems installing
Lilypond, perphaps a small python client script could be ran like "python
LilyPondClient.py foo.ly".
> Of course, if you can come up with php for Lilypond, I would like to
change like LilyTool to implement the HTTP upload method. But I wonder how
you will implement the php? Will you call the Lilypond process stright from
php [proc_open()]? or would you open a socket to connect to a Lilypond
Server [fopen() or socket_create()]

My idea was to have a single machine which has web server (with PHP) *and*
lilypond installed on it. I can use eg. [system("/path_to_lily/lilypond
just_uploaded_lilyfile.ly")]. Then I let PHP to read the output files, and
create a html report with links to them.
With your ASCII keys:

L <--P <--W

This could even be a first step to either Scenario  #1 or  #2.
[I have to admit that I haven't ever used socket connections, so this may be
the reason I leave it out of my thinking, but I understand how much more
advanced systems can be built over them.]

> For a ASCII representation
> Key: L=Lilypond, S=Lilypond Server, M= Lilypond Server & Manager, P=PHP
Webby, W=Webpage User, T=LilyTool user
> # Scenario 1
> L <-- S -->  M <-- P <-- W
> L <-- S -/          \-- T
> Here, the Manager itself could be a Lilypond Server, but also could
delicate jobs to other Lilypond Servers and acting like a relay or proxy.
Clients could connect to this manager and webbase users use the webpage
which uses the manager.
> # Scenario 2
> L <--------\
> L <-- S <-- P <-- W
> L <-- S <-/      \-- T
> This case, the php webbie acts as a lilypond server (and manager for
> Anyway, these are what I have in mind, I not a good programmer or
designer, so this mostly have flaws.

> >This way or the other, the main question is: Who is willing to provide
> >bandwith for (at least) a proof-of-concept site? I consider this a superb
> >way to demonstrate for many people what can be done with LilyPond.
> Or, do you mean a test machine as well? My school gave me a P2 300mhz pc,
64Mb, but its harddisk is not working and cd-rom does not boot up. I might
try to fixing it and setting it up as a POC, and also if my upload speed of
10KBytes/s at home wont be too much of a disappointment.

I need an online computer with Apache-Php-Lilypond installed on it. I could
turn my own machine to it (actually I did it), only problem that I have a
slow modem connection, which could do it for the first public tests, but I
cannot afford to keep online all the time (money:-().

> >On the security: the server could be on a unix system, where php/lilypond
> >user doesn't have read access to the whole directory tree, but it is kept
> >restricted in a dedicated place. Doesn't it eliminates the security
> >Berti mentioned? Could somebody explain me please, where I am missing the
> >obvious?
> I think its mentioned before there's the danger of having scheme code,
like "rm -rf /". Of course, i think it wouldnt be a problem if a Server is
used just to bridge from the coLinux guest to host machine, but it would be
a trouble on the public access server.
> If the server is not run as root, will the scheme run codes as sudo or
root? If there's really a need, then lilypond might have to be jailed and
put in a straight-jacket (meaning the shell and safe mode ;p)

ROOT? Never! Are there any good reason to run it as root?


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