Hi Werner

(not sure whether this should be moved to lilypond-hackers, but here
goes.. )

I had a look at using Pango for typesetting text. See the attached
program. I am wondering: are the number codes (printed as c XXX)
really unicode codes? When I convert


as utf-8, I get 

        c 67 w 14336 x 0 y 0
        c 177 w 6144 x 0 y 0
        c 177 w 6144 x 0 y 0
        c 0 w 0 x 0 y 0

that's not latin1, is it? In any event, I will need a table of unicode
-> glyphname mappings. I recall that there was a table available

Here are my further notes to the problem 


* use pango, freetype and fontconfig for managing fonts and font

  - internationalized lyrics in PS
  - easy font install

  - support for TTF fonts etc.

* use OpenType for the LilyPond font.


  - one font: easier install

  - contains PUA map, no hacks for -f gnome.

  - contains special dimension tables (staff-space, line thick, etc.)

  - contains char metrics


* PangoGlyph (uint32) <-> glyphname conversion.  Is this Unicode?

* Including PUA map for lilypond font.

* PangoGlyphUnit <-> Real World dimension conversion.

* How to integrate fontconfig into lilypond font-selection?

* How to integrate PangoFont into LilyPond Font_metric smob?

* How to handle dichotomy with TeX fonts and OTFs?

* How to handle: use fonts from build tree during compilation, and run
  from source dir.

* How to encode/decode table of special dimensions for the OT font.
* autoconf glue for freetype/fontconfig/pango

* Do we need any settings for language/shaper?

Next step:

Find a uint32 -> glyphname, dump glyphnames on PS in test program.


Attachment: foo.c
Description: Binary data


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen 
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