On Thursday 02 December 2004 18.45, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> You certainly increase my confusion! Isn't the point that people want to
> use \lyricsto to match music to lyrics, but at the same time be able
> to tell LilyPond that "Now there shouldn't be any lyrics for 10 bars,
> then you should start the matching again".
> An underline is perfectly useful to skip a single note or a few notes.

I could change my proposition, to the following:
Instead of a \lyricsSkip variable, use a \skiplyrics command: \skiplyrics 5 
skips 5 lyrics, and is hence an equivalent of { \repeat "unfold" 5 \skip 4 }. 
This would solve their problem as well.

Btw there is an important difference between \skip and _, namely that in
{ bla -- _ bla } the hyphen is not correctly placed, while in
{ bla -- \skip 4 bla } it is.


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