On Thursday 02 December 2004 19.54, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Erik Sandberg wrote:
> > On Thursday 02 December 2004 18.45, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> >>You certainly increase my confusion! Isn't the point that people want to
> >>use \lyricsto to match music to lyrics, but at the same time be able
> >>to tell LilyPond that "Now there shouldn't be any lyrics for 10 bars,
> >>then you should start the matching again".
> >>
> >>An underline is perfectly useful to skip a single note or a few notes.
> >
> > I could change my proposition, to the following:
> > Instead of a \lyricsSkip variable, use a \skiplyrics command: \skiplyrics
> > 5 skips 5 lyrics, and is hence an equivalent of { \repeat "unfold" 5
> > \skip 4 }. This would solve their problem as well.
> Yes that's better, but you would still have to count that number of
> notes to skip. Some month ago, the question appeared for a piece with
> an introduction with a no or a single line of lyrics followed by a
> section with several verses of lyrics. I still don't know that best
> solution to that problem. One neat feature would be to be able to
> switch between \lyricsto behaviour and explicit time durations.
> This would not only solve the above problem but also situations
> where you want to put two or more words below a single note but
> otherwise match the syllables to the notes.

As far as I can understand, there are severe technical difficulties that 
prevent this from being implemented now. As an example, see 
bugs/progerror-lyrics-staff.ly. \lyricsto is simply not intended to be used 
sequentially (IIRC, Han-Wen considered that bug a far-future thing, it would 
requiring something like a rewrite of \lyricsto). 

OTOH, it's interesting to discuss how lilypond's behaviour ideally _should_ 

I have another suggestion (which probably is just as hard to implement as 
yours): Add some kind of invisible special rehearsal marks among the notes. 
They would mark certain spots in the music, where verses can start. I.e.:

{ c d e f | c d e f | a \lyricmark "verse1" a a a | a a a a }
\addlyrics { bla \gotomark "verse1" foo bar foo bar }
{ bla \repeat "volta" 7 \skip 4 foo bar foo bar }

BTW, this thing might be a nice feature for notes as well, if it is possible.. 
\context Staff="solo" { c4^"solo" d e f | g^"tutti" \notemark "tutti1" a g f }
\context Staff="orch" { \skiptomark "tutti1" e4 f g a }

(of course mmrest-of-length can be used to solve the same problem, however 
this might sometimes be a more convenient syntax)


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