It looks from Mat's and Han-Wen's investigations that it's the documentation of
figured bass that's gone backwards since 1.6, not the actual

The 1.6 version of input/test/ said:

    1.6> Figured bass is created by the FiguredBass context which eats
    1.6> note-requests and rest-requests.  You can enter these either
    1.6> using standard @code{< >} notation, or using the special
    1.6> @code{\figures @ { @}} mode, which allows you to type
    1.6> numbers, like @code{<4 6+>}.

Whereas the 2.4 version of input/regression/ says:

    2.4> Figured bass is created by the FiguredBass context which eats
    2.4> figured bass requests and rest-requests.  You must enter
    2.4> these using the special @code{\figuremode @{ @}} mode, which
    2.4> allows you to type numbers, like @code{<4 6+>}.

Obviously it would make no sense for the FiguredBass context to eat
figured base requests.  So this should be changed back to say that the
FiguredBass context eats note-requests and rest-requests.

I still think it would also make sense to have be a
little more extended to include examples of notes with no figure on

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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