On 24-Nov-04, at 6:27 AM, Laura Conrad wrote:
There might be better words to use than "eats".

I don't understand how FiguredBass works, but how's this?

Figured bass is created by the FiguredBass context which responds to
figured bass requests and rest-requests.  You must enter these using
the special @code{\figuremode @{ @}} mode, which allows you to type
numbers, like @code{<4 6+>}.

"eats" -> "responds to"

If that's a better way of phrasing it, I'll commit it.

But I don't see that note-requests are being treated any differently
from rest-requests.  In both cases, the FiguredBass context is taking
the timing values and using them to decide where to put the figures,
but not otherwise displaying them.  So leaving out note-requests from
that sentence was really misleading, especially to someone who had
read the previous version.

Umm... sorry, I'm really lost here. Should I add an extra sentence? (see below)

Figured bass is created by the FiguredBass context which responds to
figured bass requests and rest-requests.  You must enter these using
the special @code{\figuremode @{ @}} mode, which allows you to type
numbers, like @code{<4 6+>}.  It does not respond to note-requests.

Mats> Seriously, the comments in the Regression test files have probably
Mats> been formulated mainly to be read by the LilyPond hackers. The official
Mats> documentation is in the notation manual. Of course, this is a pity,

I consider all the docs on the left-hand side of the Documentation page to be
user documentation. The NEWS and INSTALL are semi-user stuff (ie a new
user doesn't care about previous news, and is either unix-y enough to need the
instructions for compiling on NetBSD or shouldn't be reading the "compile
from source" install page).

Mats> since I find the Regression Tests document one of the best sources of
Mats> examples for LilyPond users on all levels.

I consider the examples to be part of the documentation.  As do the
Debian packagers, who put them in a directory called
/usr/share/doc/lilypond/examples.  It really wouldn't be possible to
write a clear, concise manual with all the stuff you need to have a
working lilypond file, and lots of us never really write all that
stuff -- we either snarf one of the example files or let a converter
like abc2ly write it for us.

I agree that examples are vitally important, and we should include more. But I don't consider the Regression Tests to be the best place for examples.

If there's specific wording that's confusing (such as above), I'm happy
to change it -- provided that this is ok with developers who use the
Regression Tests as actual tests -- but I think it's better to spend more
effort working on the manual. In this case, section "5.6.13 Figured

- Graham

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