Hello again, I am currently writing the guitar parts (two) for "Zombie" both as an exercise to get confident with lilypond and to test some features. (Oh, also because I play it with a band ;-)
Now, you know that elguit music has TONS of stopped notes; I have found an article dating 4/2004 in this ML saying that grouping articulation was not needed (just cut & paste/search & replace "-+"), but in rock songs with power chords it would be quite useful. In example, here is a riff from zombie: powerMiBeat = \relative do { <mi, si'>8 <mi si'> <mi si'> <mi si'> <mi si'> <mi si'> <mi si'> <mi si'> | } (btw, mi=e, si=b). Ok, now, the distorted guitar is playing all the time a set of riffs like this, but sometimes stopped, other not: it would be quite useful to have things like: \powerMiBeat \powerDoBeat \powerSolBeat \powerFadBeat { \powerMiBeat \powerDoBeat \powerSolBeat \powerFadBeat }\stopped Ok, I know that I may just copy that 4 riffs and make all the notes in them stopped, and then do: \powerMiBeat \powerDoBeat \powerSolBeat \powerFadBeat \powerMiStoppedBeat \powerDoStoppedBeat \powerSolStoppedBeat \powerFadStoppedBeat but it feels cumbersome. Also, classic guitar music has often whole staccato phrases, so as there is a Tremolo grouping, a stopped and a staccato grouping (at least) would be useful. Opinions? Bests, Giancarlo Niccolai. _______________________________________________ lilypond-devel mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel