Alle 16:51, sabato 20 novembre 2004, hai scritto:
> On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 05:25, Giancarlo Niccolai wrote:
> The code you'll need to work with is likely found in
> lily/

There will also the need for some specific notation that is rendered only in 
TabContexts, i.e. 

c8 d\mf\tabS

would place the MF expression and render a upper S before the d note in the 
tabulature, meaning "slide one tone". Being really cool, this would add a 
portamento line in a score context, but it is not strictly necessary. 

However, bending DO affect the score part:

c8 d d\tabB d\tabR

would place a tone bending before the first D in the tabulature (assigning it 
a value of e in a staff context) and the second would make a release. The tab 
would appare as i.e.


But the score (and midi) should render (and play) an E instead of
the D which is the 5th key on the 5th string, as

c8 d e d

were entered.

Colud you give me some other direction in this senses:
1) best way to implement this at grammar level? Proposals:
  1.1) \tabb semitone bending, \tabB tone bending, \tabs semitone slide etc.
  1.2) \tabBendSemi semitone bending, \tabBendTone tone bending etc.
  1.3) postfix symbol extensions, as i.e. c-^ does for caps, like i.e.
         c-B c-R d-S to do a c tone bending, release and slide to D;
         if this is good, is the trailing "-" a good separator or is 
         something else needed?
2) parser files, and command interpretation were to look at?

Giancarlo Niccolai.

(BTW, I am sure I heard about you, Mr. Carl Sorensen elsewhere...)

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