More than two years ago, someone on this list said they were working on
shaped note support. Did this ever get added in? I need it for current
and future projects.
I am visiting a Mennonite denomination that still uses the Aiken shaped
note system for their hymnal. I'd like to convert some of their hymns
to lilypond format. I also have a composer friend who is composing
hymns, but for most members of this denomination to be able to sing
them, they have to be in shaped note format.
Having Sacred Harp shaped note support would also be nice. There are
some old hymns I want to add to my new churches hymnal.
Is support for this planned, or present? There are a lot of old hymns
I'm itching to get typeset, and then tweak to match modern theology for
Sunday usage by large congregations.
Patriarchy, Polygamy, Slavery ::: Fatherhood, Husbandry, Mastery
Puritan: Purity of faith, Purity of doctrine. Sola Scriptura!
Eukleia: Jonathan Walther
Address: 12706 99 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V2P8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-582-9308 (between 7am and 11pm, PST)
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